Health Rations and You! A great video by Sam Adams Alliance

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Once again, I give kudos to Michelle Malkin.  She had this video posted on her sight this evening.

Yes, it is satirical, but unfortunately, it is also way too close to probabilities.  I only hope that it doesn’t end up as one of those “sad but true” instances.

Enjoy (and shudder at) the video!

NYC seeks shelter from storm

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New York braces for another storm. In fact, the people in New York are desperately going to have to find shelter elsewhere.


According to the New York Post, the tax rate on it’s wealthiest citizens to pay for the new Obamacare plan that came out of the House yesterday will reach a criminal 58.68 percent of their income.

Not only is this the highest tax rate seen by New Yorkers in over 3 decades, but this does not include all of the state and local taxation that occurs as well.

Yeah – soak it to the rich, greedy people.


These are the people who start companies, pursue new ideas, offer you employment and pay you the salaries that will allow you to buy those flashy new rims or that huge big screen.

Not to mention your mortgage.

I understand the reticence of people to say “Whoa – that’s too much to tag on to any one group of people”, right? After all, for those of us making under 100k a year, we don’t have that onerous a tax burden do we?

This is not only taking us back to Pre Reagan tax levels on the wealthy, establishing more tax levels depending on how much you make, instituting more wealth envy and punishing successful people, but it is another promise broken by Barack Obama. Another campaign lie.


When you say “No family will pay a higher tax rate than they did in the 90’s” and they are going to under a bill you have indicated you will sign…. that’s a lie.

It doesn’t matter to him that his numbers are slipping, that the majority of 160 million people (75-80%) are HAPPY with their current insurance and that a large majority of the people who are uninsured are people who don’t want or haven’t bothered to get insurance.


What matters is the collapse of this economy.

I have written several pieces recently about Communist/Socialist goals in this country. You may or may not have believed them. You may think I’m being Chicken Little. That’s all fine and dandy, but when you see this confiscation of EARNED wealth in this country – you had better realize that when you start being more equal with the people they are stealing from, they will come after you next.

They’ll have to.

They haven’t finished scoring this plan yet – and the costs are anywhere from 1 trillion to 3.5 trillion at last count over the next 10 years.

The Congress is proposing 500+ billion dollars in tax increases to the wealthy over the next 10 years to pay for it.

Where is the rest coming from? Hmmm?

If you are stealing, with all tax levels, 70-80% of the wealthiest people’s money, they don’t have any other place to go but down, people.

All the people aren’t being elevated to where they can buy big screens folks.

All of the people are being dragged down to the poorest levels to make the poor feel better about their lot in life.

Does that really make everyone’s life better? Or would money be better spent on bringing business back to this country, job training and such to enable the poorest to advance themselves to the level of buying that big screen?

What would truly make the poorest happy? I would think the latter – it would enable them, give them pride, allow them to look in the mirror and provide for their families better.

The leadership of the “people” however, believe that the poor are spitefilled people who want to see people that are successful ruined. They believe the poor would wish ill on others.

I don’t believe that is true. There are some bitter folks who go “heck yeah – soak ’em” but maybe you ought to look and see who they are as people before you follow them down that dark, jealousy filled road. Are they really the poor and disenfranchised? Are they people who don’t do anything to improve their lot and blame others? How does someone making money in NYC keep someone in Florida “down in the streets” for example?

There are job programs, shelters, homes, guidance, programs out the ying yang to help folks who are less fortunate. There are people reaching out to poor and homeless, starving and destitute people. All over the place. There are education centers and rides to get them there free of charge.

I can’t believe that this country, the most generous in the world, houses tens of millions of hate filled people who can’t see beyond the nose on their own faces.

Maybe its just their mouthpieces.

Maybe they need to realize that there is more time and money wasted on keeping a few big mouths in power instead of helping their needs.

Maybe – just maybe – they’ll wake up.

Let Barack know that this isn’t right and that people should be allowed to keep what they earn. The charities in this country, the really efficient people who get the most money to the street level to help people are hurting more when the wealthy are punished and 24 cents on the dollar coming out of Washington, D.C. isn’t helping the poor – it’s helping the bureaucrats pay themselves and live it up.

Meanwhile Robert Gibbs sits up there with his smarmy smirk and tells us “it is a situation we are watching”, telling us in his arrogance that the American people are too stupid or beneath the insiders and don’t deserve a straight answer.

Maybe those insiders are the “wealthy” that need to be punished. Hmmmm?

A Tale of Two Women

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other..

Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities”

Good old Mr Dickens probably had no idea that this quote, written regarding Paris and London during the American Revolution, would be so applicable today in our polarized society here in the land that was winning its freedom back then. This polarization has been so completely demonstrated by the hero worship of the last two days that it is almost overwhelming. Or should I say heroine.

Woman One – Comes from nothing and by hard work (and affirmative action) goes to the best college and law school and works her way up through the judicial ranks till she now sits as a nominee for the Supreme Court, the highest level in her chosen profession.

Woman Two – Comes from nothing, goes to a variety of schools, works her way through the leadership ranks up from PTA president to Governor of our largest state and was recently considered for the 2nd highest office in the land.

I am reserving judgement on Woman One. I do that because like Senator Sessions said yesterday, I don’t really know which woman we have sitting before us in the court. Is she the strong Latina woman who is ferocious on the bench and very defensive of and proactive for her race/gender? Or is she the reasoned, amiable, thoughtful, sincere woman who seems to lean solely on judicial precedent in deciding her cases that we see before us in the hearings? I think she is probably both and perhaps the least of evils in the candidates Barack Obama was considering. She is also likely to be confirmed because the GOP is afraid of alienating Hispanic voters it would like to reach. To that I say, hogwash! By the way, President Obama was crazy like a fox in nominating someone who could not say much of anything definitive in the hearings because she was “not at liberty to comment” as a sitting appellate judge.

I am also reserving judgement on Woman Two. I would like to see what her long-term plans are and am watching to see those played out daily. For the most part I am a supporter and will probably become more so as she gets her independent political legs back under her and does things in whatever way she sees fit and in whatever ways work best for her family. She is also a dichotomy. She is a seasoned leader who can light up a room with her oratory and win people with a touch and a smile and a look in the eye. She is also a woman who can bristle when attacked and strike back. She is comfortable in formal dress or hip waders and seems to be the same person no matter the apparel.

Two strong women. In this day and age of enlightenment, you would think that both would be celebrated and treated with the highest respect for their achievements. But no, things aren’t always what you expect.

One is revered by many of her race (not all, by far) and practically worshipped in her hearings by those in her party and of her (probable) belief systems. She is given high fives by the liberal pundits, Twitterers and bloggers cause heck – they like her! Her more conservative jurors in the panel grill her hard, but with respect and those Twittering and bogging against generally try to show the same respect with the worst I’ve seen being that “she is an activist and looks like Roseanne Barr”. The conservative pundits (at least on TV – haven’t listened to any talk radio lately) are actually trying to examine her judicial record before making any pronouncements.

The other, from the moment she stepped onto the national stage has either been worshipped or reviled by the public, attacked by the pundits, Twitterers and Bloggers on the left and slightly higher than tolerated by conservative media and the leaders in her own party. She has been called – and I am going to be precise here – a slut, whore, MILF, moron, idiot, bad mother, retard – and those are just a few, especially from the Twittering crowd and those like Olberman and Matthews. Since she went back to govern her home state, she has been assaulted by claims of ethics violations. She only went back home because the man she was running with was not strong enough or different enough to win the highest seat in the land, not because of any lacking of her own. In fact she is the one that brought about the resurgence of the ticket. Throughout the campaign she bit her tongue about the vile attacks. Now that she is breaking free of the constraints of her office – I say, go get em. No female in the public eye has been subjected to this level of hate and vulgarity and had that hate transferred to her children. When she dares to actually publish a column in an MSM paper the outcry is not against her concepts, but that “this moron” could possibly have written it. This same woman was a journalism major in school, battled through complex contracts with energy firms and was able to go off prompter at the most pressure filled moment of her life at the national convention.

So what is the difference between these two remarkable women? There are only a few that I can see, and from what I know of women’s causes, they should be celebrated. Sarah Palin was able to achieve high office and fight the old boy network in her own party to achieve the highest office in her state while being a faithful wife and mother of five children and maintaining a close relationship with her family. Sonia Sotomayor has achieved this opportunity to be heard for the highest possible seat in her profession while being totally devoted to that profession and her extended family.

Oh wait, there are a few other differences. Sarah is extremely attractive, has a hunky loving husband, is incredibly physically fit, can birth a baby and go to work two days later, is spunky, funny and yes, folksy. Isn’t folksy something some of our most accomplished politicians have been? She also firmly believes in the right to life. She believes that so strongly that while doubting her own ability with Trig, she made the hard decision to have him at 42, at the same time as helping her daughter make the same decision. So two children who could have never entered the world, now have and are loved beyond measure. That debate is for a whole other blog post, but it remains a polarizing idea. She also believes that the United States is the greatest nation on earth, will defend it to the death and that it’s constitution is the supreme law of the land, not needing any assistance from the “international community”. She believes in the right to bear arms and to protect your property.

Sonia Sotomayor has done none of the above nor was she able to speak a firm belief in the Right to Life, the 2nd amendment or the Constitution being the overarching legal idea in our country.

Why do liberals and conservative elite hate Sarah Palin so much? Possibly because of all of the above. Why do they respect Sonia Sotomayor so much? Possibly because of all of the above.

Dirty Little Monetary Secrets

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You hear a lot about money, dollars, people “paying off” politicians to get their votes, etc.

Lobbyists, PACs, groups and individuals donate money to governmental candidates – and according to Democrats (Socialists) the Republicans are the party of “big money”,”the rich”, “pharmaceuticals” etc.

Democrats also like to say that they are not the party of lawyers, unions, teachers or health care. No – they don’t take money from these people, and, after all, the Evil Conservatives make all the money from all the evil corporate special interests, right? (note the sarcasm, please)

This isn’t saying that the leading party in the house and senate don’t get more money because of having more people, but there are some interesting comparisons as well when you look at the money per candidate issues.

We have discovered a KILLER site to help look this information up, which is public record, even though most people don’t have the knowledge to look it up. Well, now you do. But, let’s take a look at some of the latest dollars (2009-2010 election cycle)  flowing into Washington by groups and the ratios – I think the dollar amounts might surprise you:

Democrats $8,383,031
Republicans $719,200
Independants $-500
(remember how some union sycophant told me they don’t spend money TO candidates? this is public record folks – and keep in mind this doesn’t count the money the unions spend on commercials or voter drives)

Building Trade unions:
Dems $3,513,050
Reps $397,500
Ind $6,000

Industrial unions:
Dems $1,882,366
Reps $48,300
Ind $-10,000

Even teachers unions get into this:

Dems $128,800
Reps $12,000

Okay – final time – party of unions – Democrats/Socialists – no more lying about it, no more camoflage – there it is. Period.

But, I bet you think the health care industry is fighting the Dems by funding the Reps – right?

Dems $5,372,538
Reps $2,744,627
Ind $22,350

Um, no.

In fact, if it wasn’t a Republican PAC specifically, the Dems received more money in almost every category I looked up.

I know – how about those “billions” spent by the evil pharmaceuticals? The ones the republicans get TONS of money from?

Dems: $925,022
Reps: $601,800
Ind: $1,000

Hmmm. Nope. Not that one either!

How about lawyers? Why can’t we get reform of the legal system to lower medical costs by capping the amount of “pain and suffering” that can be awarded in a lawsuit? Why can’t we effect a “loser pays” system, which would reduce the amount of frivilous lawsuits by millions if not billions? You know, free up the docket for cases that are necessary? Make sure that if you sue and lose, you pay the other person’s legal fees?

Let’s see:
Dems $8,404,685
Reps $1,831,443
Ind $19,400

Hmmm. I wonder why we can’t get help in this arena.

I wonder if any of the people (read health care) would like their money back since most of the people who got paid voted the wrong way.

I got it – how about special interest/ single issue –

Dems $5,250,760
Reps $1,389,029
Ind $-5,000

OK – that’s not it. Oh – wait- the billions spent by the NRA and gun industry, right?

Dems $13,150
Reps $45,150
Ind $0

Oops – you caught me. But, you do realize that’s 58,300.00 total? A FRACTION of what most industries paid the Dems, right?

Hmmm… got it – the millions upon millions heaped upon the Repubs by the anti abortionists?

Dems $0
Reps $3,800
Ind $0

How about pro choice?

Dems $21,785
Reps $5,000
Ind $0

Wait – I got it – how about Pro Isreal?

Dems $70,422
Reps $40,300
Ind $0

Want some really interesting information?:

How did the TV/Movies/Music industry vote with their money in the last election cycle and how are they trending now?

Year   Rank    Total              Individuals     PACS                           Dems            Reps            Dem/Rep %

2010* 17 $2,036,211 $1,132,711 $903,500 N/A $1,427,304 $605,507 70% 30%
2008* 10 $48,093,020 $40,323,392 $7,769,628 N/A $37,519,496 $10,490,931 78% 22%

Noooooooo – I bet there isn’t a bias. Nononono.

Even things like agribusiness are almost equal, with a small split towards the majority, which would be expected.

I think this can be shown to debunk a lot of the lies coming from the left.

I will be also telling you folks in a later post how this breaks down among the top 20 people receiving donations.

I’d like to thank the Center for Responsive Politics for this information!

They have an entire database of information you won’t believe!

1 Trillion Dollars…

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The deficit has officially crossed $1 trillion today, for the first time ever. This is no longer a theoretical value that may have to be paid at some point. This is the actual amount that has been spent so far this fiscal year, and it’s projected to go up even higher; $1.84 trillion at year end by the government’s estimate (and they never, ever estimate low…). This has caused a great deal of concern with our lenders, and is likely to cause a large amount of pain in the near future.  There are many causes: “necessary” spending so save the economy and wage wars, drastically decreased tax revenue, and a devalued dollar among others. If there was ever a time to reign our government in, now is that time. This is not a Democrat, Republican, Conservative, or Liberal thing. This is the future of our Republic, and if our employees don’t see that, it is time to teach them.


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You know – it’s unbelievable – a bank suing itself over a condo mortgage.

Only with the government we have today could this kind of thing happen.

Michelle Malkin has found another example of DUH, as she is so great at doing.

Apparently, due to government regs, a bank suing someone for the assets in a foreclosure seizure has to notify all other lienholders of it’s intent to do so, but one of the lienholders (a second mortgage) is itself.

That’s right, Wells Fargo who has extended a first mortgage to the condo developer has filed a suit against the lienholder of the second mortgage, namely Wells Fargo. And, according to the reports, it has HIRED two law firms to do this.

TARP dollars at work – appropriate title for your article Michelle!

Check the link below!

Michelle Malkin » Your TARP dollars at work.

Continued Attacks Against Freedom

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Taxpayer slave

We are faced with new and dire crises almost daily.  Each and every one is carefully crafted to trick the American people into blindly handing over our Constitutional rights to the very thugs who manufactured them.  If you look at the bills and issues before Congress, it is frightening to contemplate how close we’ve come to the end of America as we know it.

  • Cap and Trade
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Fairness Doctrine
  • Cyber Security Act of 2009
  • Confirmation of Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Justice

Each of these is a direct and very real threat to our Freedom and our rights as spelled out in the Constitution.

Cap and Trade is designed to collapse the economy deliberately under the false pretenses of Global Warming.  So far there is a petition circulating objecting to this onerous bill with the signatures of more than 31,000 scientists, 9000 of who are PhD’s.  The proponents of this bill ignore the arguments that claim there is nothing that supports that Global Warming is more than the regular, normal periods of warming and cooling that have always occurred. Through the excessive tax burden that will be imposed, they will control every aspect of our daily lives.

Healthcare Reform is another way to control both the medical industry as well as the people.  Their plan is modeled after one that includes rationed care and denial of services for people who are deemed it isn’t worth the investment.  You can be certain that Congress and the Unions will be exempted from this plan. Don’t worry, if you like your plan…fugeddaboudit.

The Fairness Doctrine is a direct attack of your right to free speech.  If they are successful in resurrecting this unconstitutional law, it will become a crime to disagree with the government.  It is a way to be able to regulate the Internet.  If they can’t limit what you hear of the dissenting point of view, they can manipulate you into believing, falsely, that there is nothing to worry about.

The CyberSecurity Act of 2009 is another excuse to lock down your freedom of speech even more.

“Obama’s announcement of the new cybersecurity grid dovetails with a recently introduced Senate bill, the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, that would hand the president the power to shut down the entire Internet in the event of a “cybersecurity” crisis.”  (

The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives every citizen the right to free speech.  It goes farther than just that; it prohibits Congress from abridging that right.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

With the stroke of a pen, the President will sign away our rights as lawful citizens of the United States of America.  If We The People don’t wake up and stand up for these rights, they will be gone forever.  If We The People don’t act now, it will take more than peaceable demonstrations to undo the aggressions against the citizens of our great nation.  It’s easy to say that someone ought to do something about this.  Know this, that someone is you.  If you aren’t willing to stand up against the threat of Socialism, Fascism, Marxism or Communism, who’s going to do it for you.  There are many just like you who want to say “Oh NO You Don’t” to the “Yes We Can” crowd.  Don’t wait, do it now.

Here is why The Logical Choice is SO very important!


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You may wonder why we are stressing the importance of our fledgling conservative advocacy group, The Logical Choice.  You may wonder just what we hope to accomplish.

I know that the Main Scoundrel has been talking about what it is that we stand for.  And how we hope to be able to eventually (soon, hopefully) get our message to candidates.  And also how we really want to be able to offer a counterweight (as it were) to groups like Acorn and, except with truth and values and ethics. 

Today, in an article in the New York Times political blog section, The Caucus, there is an article talking about how one of Obama’s advocacy groups, Organizing for America, is going to start a door-to-door campaign talking up Obamacare!

THIS is exactly why The Logical Choice is so very important.  Organizing for America will hit the most uninvolved and (if following Acorn’s tactics) the poorest and least educated of Americans.  They will fill them up with propaganda with no regard for the truth (Hope and Change, anyone?).  And they will organize these people to make a lot of noise, and make it appear as though this is a nationally accepted program.  IT IS NOT.  Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that WE, THE PEOPLE also get out to make sure that these groups of people hear actual TRUTHS.  Truths are something the left’s advocacy groups are unfamiliar with.  Truths are NOT what these groups actually advocate.  That is what WE have to do. 

Do not stay silent, people.  Talk to people.  Do your best to educate youngsters – we spend many evenings in our local coffee house; and we spend most of that time talking to the kids who work there.  Not pushing, just informing.  And ‘advocating’ for them to learn for themselves.  To not take what they hear from their teachers or liberal media, or even from us for granted.  To look it up for themselves.  We have to educate.  We have to promote.  We have to contact our representatives.  We cannot remain silent, assuming someone else will do it.  All too often that someone else wears an acorn on their shirt!

Thomas Paine – Letter to the President


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This is the personification of everything I wrote in the post
“Special Election Demand, Censure and Transfer of Power”.

Be prepared to be awed!

Government will not support Christian Group?! Go figure!


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Okay.  For 42 years, The God and Country Family Festival in Nampa, Idaho has been having the Air Force do a flyover.  According to the Canyon County Commissioner David Ferdinand, this festival was founded on the principles that our country was founded on God and Country, and the military part of it is a huge part of the event:

“We’ve had A15, A10s, we have even had a B-1 bomber from the U.S. Air Force,” said Ferdinand.

Ferdinand says the flyover is a salute to the service men and women, and is a cherished part of the night for the more than 10,000 that attend.

“This thing is a patriotic event and in our opinion, why it started and where it started, we need to continue that tradition,” said Ferdinand.


This year, however, when the festival board submitted their request (as required) to the Pentagon, their request was turned down.  Board member Patti Syme said:

… the e-mail from a defense official informed her the Pentagon prohibited support of special interest groups.”I called him immediately and just said, you know hey we’ve been doing this for 42 years, we’ve had flyovers, what is the problem?” Syme told KTBV. “And he said, well we have looked up your Web site and everything on your Web site seemed to focus on Christianity, ministry booths. And he said, in fact, ma’am it sounds like it focuses on Christianity. And he said, in fact, it would be great to go to, in fact, if I personally, could come I would, but we can’t endorse such an endeavor, so they couldn’t do the flyover.”

The Pentagon basically said that they can’t support any event “that provides a selective benefit to any individual, group, or organization, including any religious or sectarian organization, ideological movement, political campaign or organization, or commercial enterprise, to include a shopping mall or motion picture promotion.”  Which, when the malarkey is washed away, boils down to the fact that the Pentagon didn’t realize that the festival celebrated God and therefore is taboo.

But, Obama can quote the Koran with impunity, and if Muslims want to drop a rug and pray in the middle of a campus, it is okay; but for crying out loud we cannot support Christianity of any kind.  Regardless of what our Fore Fathers said.  How sad is this?

For the entire article on FoxNews: