Cap and Tax us to death passed! It’s time to gear up!

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 By now I’m sure you’ve all heard that the Cap and Trade bill passed through congress yesterday by a vote of 212 to 219. We lost by only seven votes! Did you realize that eight republican congress people voted FOR the C & T?  Yes.

 Once again, we see the major problem with our current crop of GOP representatives. With obvious fear and loathing, we have made our wishes known; yet these eight representatives succumbed to pressure or greed and caved to the power hungry evil that is our current congress.

Do you realize that if these 8 representatives had stayed true to their constituents or their (if applicable) consciences, the C & T would have FAILED??  This is another hideous example of the lack of ethics and conscience in congress.

From Michelle Malkin we got the list of the eight traitors along with their contact phone numbers. Here it is:

Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165
Kirk (IL) (202) 225-4385 (And he’s seriously considering running for Senate!)
Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361
LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572
McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611
Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761
Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765

(Phone numbers h/t commenter rightwingmom)

Now we need to call these representatives repeatedly if necessary. We need to let them know that we will campaign actively to ensure that they are NOT re-elected! Even if they are not our official representative, we will make sure it gets out to everyone what they have done; and how they are NOT true to the conservative ideals and that they do NOT deserve to represent us in any way. Believe me, if they get enough phone calls, it will make a difference.

The next thing we all have to do is to get in touch with our senators by phone and by fax. Over and over and over again. Supposedly, they will not be voting on the C & T until the fall (this is what we were told when we called yesterday). However, we have learned recently that we cannot actually trust what comes out of the mouths of our representatives! (Can you imagine that??) Therefore, assume NOTHING. Start the campaign now to let the senators know that we will NOT tolerate being levied in this drastic and horrific way. Their careers depend on how they vote on this despicable bill.

Another thing. We are trying to find out who the corporate sponsors for Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, the eight traitors and other of the ‘stand out’ congress people. When we find out who those sponsors are, we intend to institute a very vocal and active boycott of those corporations. They have to know that their support of these people has consequences. Just as the representatives’ votes have consequences. We are watching… and we are keeping track.

3 Responses

  1. […] 06/27/2009 Welcome Michelle Malkin readers. Thanks Michelle for the link about this afternoon’ Cap and Tax us to death passed! It’s time to gear up! – 06/28/2009 By now I’m sure you’ve all heard that the Cap […]

  2. Great article!

    Thank the Gang of Eight Republicans who voted Yes on Cap&Trap. Perhaps they drank the Kool-Aid at the Obama luau the night before the vote or were commandeered by Obama for one of his little impromptu closet meetings where they were either threatened or cajoled with a bribe. In any case they betrayed the values and principles of their Party. It’s time for them to creep across the aisle and join Arlen Specter. We need sensible, loyal and courageous conservative representation and that would clear the way.

    Don’t let up on the Band of Eight, but let’s put fierce focus on contacting Senators of both parties before they too succumb to this madness. Be relentless. Be persistent. It has only been five months and already the swamp of Obamageddon is creeping over us and threatening our economy, our freedom and our liberty. Preventing it will not be easy, but it will be much more difficult to undo this treachery.

    Government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people.
    Make it your mantra.

  3. Phone calls aren’t gonna work. They take phones off hook and call us irrelavant. Snail mail they can’t ignore. E-mails. I want to start a Clean Sweep Party for the Senate when they go to vote. Make cardboard picture of Broom. no real broom in case they incite us for violent intentions. put picture of broom in your car window. Anyone living in the Dc. Va, Md area should be on the steps of senate when they go to vote with picture of broom will have more meaning than a tea bag. My humble opinion.

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