Continued Attacks Against Freedom

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We are faced with new and dire crises almost daily.  Each and every one is carefully crafted to trick the American people into blindly handing over our Constitutional rights to the very thugs who manufactured them.  If you look at the bills and issues before Congress, it is frightening to contemplate how close we’ve come to the end of America as we know it.

  • Cap and Trade
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Fairness Doctrine
  • Cyber Security Act of 2009
  • Confirmation of Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Justice

Each of these is a direct and very real threat to our Freedom and our rights as spelled out in the Constitution.

Cap and Trade is designed to collapse the economy deliberately under the false pretenses of Global Warming.  So far there is a petition circulating objecting to this onerous bill with the signatures of more than 31,000 scientists, 9000 of who are PhD’s.  The proponents of this bill ignore the arguments that claim there is nothing that supports that Global Warming is more than the regular, normal periods of warming and cooling that have always occurred. Through the excessive tax burden that will be imposed, they will control every aspect of our daily lives.

Healthcare Reform is another way to control both the medical industry as well as the people.  Their plan is modeled after one that includes rationed care and denial of services for people who are deemed it isn’t worth the investment.  You can be certain that Congress and the Unions will be exempted from this plan. Don’t worry, if you like your plan…fugeddaboudit.

The Fairness Doctrine is a direct attack of your right to free speech.  If they are successful in resurrecting this unconstitutional law, it will become a crime to disagree with the government.  It is a way to be able to regulate the Internet.  If they can’t limit what you hear of the dissenting point of view, they can manipulate you into believing, falsely, that there is nothing to worry about.

The CyberSecurity Act of 2009 is another excuse to lock down your freedom of speech even more.

“Obama’s announcement of the new cybersecurity grid dovetails with a recently introduced Senate bill, the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, that would hand the president the power to shut down the entire Internet in the event of a “cybersecurity” crisis.”  (

The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives every citizen the right to free speech.  It goes farther than just that; it prohibits Congress from abridging that right.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

With the stroke of a pen, the President will sign away our rights as lawful citizens of the United States of America.  If We The People don’t wake up and stand up for these rights, they will be gone forever.  If We The People don’t act now, it will take more than peaceable demonstrations to undo the aggressions against the citizens of our great nation.  It’s easy to say that someone ought to do something about this.  Know this, that someone is you.  If you aren’t willing to stand up against the threat of Socialism, Fascism, Marxism or Communism, who’s going to do it for you.  There are many just like you who want to say “Oh NO You Don’t” to the “Yes We Can” crowd.  Don’t wait, do it now.

4 Responses

  1. I’m with you. I work at waking the walking dead on a daily basis. Long hours. Many people can see what is happening to this great country. They can see what is happening to the people. They hav’nt figured out what they can do. More and more people are coming together to talk about this problem. They are afraid not to do anything and afraid to do something. Those people need a leader. They need someone who isn’t afraid to speak up, to stand up. The tparties have helped them. There is still lack, as the groups are spread out and still don’t have the cohesivness, as a whole mobilized unit. It is getting there. If someone doesn’t come along soon, because of the stress, people may decide to do a Honduras.

    • Cheri,

      Logical Choice is an attempt to unify the conservative message. Through this process, I have hope that true conservatives will emerge as leaders We The People can rally around. I encourage you to roll up your sleeves and help speed up this process. Send an email to America has been asleep, and it’s time to wake the giant.

  2. Where are all the people who are wanting and willing to stand up, speak out, protest or do whatever it takes to defend our rights and our freedom?? I’m willing to do it, but where is everyone else around here?! The time is now!

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